
Undead zone Free Download

Undead zone

Survive through as many nights as possible with a card system that you place on the field. You can place defenses and buildings such as farms to feed the last citizens who are fighting for the collective defense.


– Buildings have their own functionalities.

– Citizens can be equipped with weapons.

– Various defense systems.

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– Random card system at the end of each night.

-Random and rarity card system.

– Technological tree that allows to unlock new cards.


My dream is to live my passion and create great games. However, there is a beginning to everything and that is why I present my game to you hoping that it will please you and that it will allow me to access more important projects financially, or even to work with a team.

Undead zone PC Crack

Разработчик: Styloxis
Опубликовал: Styloxis
Дата релиза: 15 Mar, 2023

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