
Memoryland Prelude Free Download

Enter the dreamlike world of Memoryland and relive your fondest memories. The only catch: there’s no going back.

For those who’ve entered, they made the choice knowing this fact. But something went wrong. One inhabitant woke up in this strange world, not knowing how he got here.

You play as Cal, who finds himself trapped in this predicament. In search of a way to escape, he must explore Memoryland to retrace his own past. But it seems like there’s a glitch in the simulation, turning the memories themselves hostile.

In Memoryland, you can:

Memoryland Prelude Torrent Download

– Collect cards and summon them in battle

– Build your character and deck to create powerful combos

– Explore moody and surreal environments

– Unravel the story of Cal and the characters he meets along the way

Memoryland Prelude PC Crack

Разработчик: Spencer Parke
Опубликовал: Spencer Parke
Дата релиза: 25 May, 2023

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